Sometimes just a few little known tweaks to your pet's health plan can make a world of difference.

And No, I don’t mean just more drugs and vaccinations!

  • Reduce itching, hair loss and smelly skin conditions.

  • Reduce painful joints and progressive arthritic conditions.

  • Reduce worries about diabetes, kidney disease or other preventable diseases

  • Reduce harsh unnecessary drugs with a few of our most natural suggestions available.

  • Avoid the common habit of just masking the symptoms.

- all these results could be at your fingertips, with only a few natural health tweaks that we will teach you.

Here’s my offer and it’s a darn good one:

There’s no obligation, no arm-twisting and no sales tactics. 

It’s as simple as this:

We meet, we chat and you hear what I have to say. If after we meet, you are not 100% satisfied with our recommendations- we part as friends-no questions asked!

You are under no obligation to buy anything and we will not charge for anything until we have given you an estimate and asked your permission.

Can I be more fair than that?

After our conversation you’ll have a proven plan to ADD YEARS TO YOUR PET’S LIFE AND HAPPINESS - but only in the most holistic natural ways!

There’s nothing else you have to buy. You can implement your plan right away and watch your pet’s quality of life grow week after week!

Read on for all the exciting details...

We are located in the Temple Terrace area of Tampa on East Fowler Ave. near USF. (University of South Florida)

We would love to meet you and your pet, to determine if we can help you achieve what you want, and if we have a program that will meet your needs.

  • More Gentle Caring

  • Holistic Natural Approach

  • Less Harsh Medications

  • Preventative Protocols

    Accept my invitation by filling out your information below NOW! We are only allowing a very limited amount of new patients before we close the doors.



I'm Dr. Albert Nelmapius, founder of The Pet Longevity Project.

I have treated thousands of pets over the years, for all sorts of injuries and ailments.

But nowadays I concentrate much more on how to avoid sickness and pain and improve quality of life. As I get closer to retirement I decided to limit my practice to only the best of the best pet owners.

For the last time, I am inviting a very small amount of new clients into the fold, but ONLY if you are going to follow our suggestions. We have no time for shoppers and looky loo’s.

Come and meet us.



Limited offer FREE EXAM only to the first 15 Highly Motivated Pet Owners that respond to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!


For the rest of you, you gotta ask yourself:

If you don't do SOMETHING DIFFERENT this year...

your pet’s health might stagnate (or go backwards)...

you'll make the same mistakes as last year...

won’t it make you feel miserable!

Here’s What You Need To Do Immediately
To Reserve One Of The Few Remaining Risk-Free Pet Health Consultations...

Since I only have 5 elite consultation spots available this month... and this notice is going out to the entire Hillsborough County ... go back up to the registration block right away or risk the very likely possibility of missing out on one of these highly limited opportunities:


We do not share our list with anybody. You can unsubscribe anytime

As a welcome gift, I will give you a copy of the free report

“5 Hacks To Help Your Pet Live Longer”

Yours to keep whether you become a client or not.

On the other hand, let me be very clear about who this strategy sessions is NOT for:

  • People who only want cheap-discount services, but don’t have a sincere desire to use the knowledge we give them to make a positive life-changing impact in the lives of their pets.

  • Delusional people who believe they can have exceptionally healthy and happy pets without investing the time and capital necessary to build towards that goal. You need to be willing to put in the effort yourself.

  • People perpetually in “information gathering” mode, constantly distracted by new medical fads who never take productive action on anything. (Always stuck in the paralysis of analysis.)

If that describes you, I hope you have the decency to not waste my time and... PLEASE Pass On This Opportunity! Leave the space for another more deserving participant, because believe me there are very few spots left available.